Using Tablets in the ESL Classroom

You have access to tablets and want to have pedagogical ideas to use them with your students?

You will find various tasks, learning stituations, classroom management ideas and other recommendations. 

What Happened to the Drama Teacher?
In this scenario, students will reinvest information to write a narrative in order to produce (...)
The Story of Manga
This Learning and Evaluation Situation is designed to allow students to produce a digital, (...)
Mission ArtVader
It’s 2016, and Planet Earth is now being ruled by ArtVader. Artvader detests artists, and has (...)
Using Audio and Video in ESL
In this presentation, you will find various ideas to use audio and video in order to develop (...)
iPad Rally
Here is a template of an iPad rally that you can customize to your needs. Use it in a workshop (...)
Classroom Organization Using Tablets
Your classroom organization will depend on the number of tablets available, the level of your (...)
Resources on Pinterest
Access information, resources and ideas on using the iPad in the classroom.